KL Judo   KL Judo


Easiest counter to learn. Read more →

1st Q&A Session

1st Q&A session where three questions were asked. Read more →

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Briggs Sankaku

This is a wrist-control form of sankaku. Read more →


The yoko-sankaku is usually the first sankaku taught to beginners. Read more →

Straddling Sankaku

Straddling sankaku is one of two sankaku techniques you can do when uke lies flat on his belly. The other is the Cuban sankaku. Read more →

The value of competition

Competing is part and parcel of the judo experience. Read more →

Rolling Juji-Gatame

This is the foundational rolling juji-gatame. All others are variations. Read more →


If you're a seoi-nage player, you must have this technique in your arsenal. Read more →

Armlock from Guard Position

Not as common as the juji-gatame but still pretty effectie. Read more →


There are two ways to enter into harai-makikomi. Read more →

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