KL Judo   KL Judo

Competition Training

An ongoing log of personalized training sessions conducted for our competitors.

Gripping Focus

Specialized gripping drills. Read more →

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Attacks off the ground

Learning to throw off the ground. Read more →

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Going to start more randori

Need to start randori. Read more →

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Narrowing the scope

With contests coming up soon, it's time to narrow the scope of their techniques and start focusing on randori. Read more →

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Randori is super important. Read more →

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Strength & Conditioning

Strength and conditioning building. Read more →

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Teaching them Sode. Read more →

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Getting them to do more variety in their nagekomi. Read more →

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Nagekomi + S&C

More nagekomi plus strength & conditioning exercises. Read more →

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Our players have got to be strong. Read more →

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