KL Judo   KL Judo

Judo Fundamentals: 4 Basic Turnovers

4 basic osaekomi turnovers every beginner should know. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Alligator Roll into Yoko-Shiho-Gatame

This is how you get a yoko-shiho-gatame from an Alligator Roll. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Sumi-Gaeshi & Hikikomi-Gaeshi

Everything you need to know about sumi-gaeshi and hikikomi gaeshi. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Kouchi-Makikomi

The basics for kouchi-makikomi. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Tsuri-Goshi & Tsurikomi-Goshi

Tsuri-goshi and Tsuri-komi-goshi are often misunderstood throws. Here, we clear up the confusion. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Soto-Makikomi

Key elements that go into a successful soto-makikomi. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Tai-Otoshi

All the key points for your hands and feet for doing tai-otoshi. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Ashi-Barai & Sasae/Hiza-Guruma

Kay points for making ashi-barai and sasae/hiza-guruma work. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Osoto & Kosoto

Key points to making osoto-gari and kosoto-gari/gake to work. Read more →

Judo Fundamentals: Ogoshi & Koshi-Guruma

All the key points you need to know about ogoshi and koshi-guruma, two very basic hip techniques. Read more →

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