KL Judo   KL Judo

How to develop a throw. Part 1: Classical vs modern.

Part 1 of our podcast on how to develop a throw is about what a player can do if they are stuck in a dojo that only teaches classical judo. Read more →

One-Handed Techniques

Here are three practical one-handed techniques. Read more →

Omar learns his first 4 throws

Omar learned his first four throws, one in each quadrant. Read more →

26 Uchimata Variations

26 different variations of uchimata. Read more →

Essential Turnovers

Two basic turnovers that every player should know. Read more →

Kataha-Jime Combo Series

Basic rolling kataha-jime can transition into other techniques. Read more →

Pivot Uchimata

A suitable technique for short players. Read more →


Uchimata-sukashi is a pure tewaza. Not much strength is needed to effect this technique. But timing is crucial. Read more →

Throws against High Grippers

Throws that can be done against an opponent who likes to impose a high grip (left and right). Read more →

How do you develop a throw?

How exactly do you develop a throw? Read more →

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