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Posts by Oon Yeoh

Trudging On

Yusana's injured but still training. Sin Hui is training with Alex. Read more →

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New competitor/more injuries

Aniq wants to compete. Yusana injured again. Read more →

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Arm Roll: When Uke Flattens

When uke flattens to thwart your Arm Roll, you have several options. Here are 4 good ones. Read more →

Basic Arm Roll (3 Options)

Basic Arm Roll (3 variations). Read more →

More Setbacks

So many setbacks... but training goes on. Read more →

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4 Ways to Straighten the Arm

After you've gotten uke into a Juji-Gatame position, you need to find a way to straighten the arm. Here are 4 options. Read more →

Figure-4 (Adams) Juji-Gatame Roll

This is a more versatile Juji-Gatame roll than the Iatskevich version. Read more →

Standard (Iatskevich) Juji-Gatame Roll

The most popular juji-gatame roll. Read more →

Ude-Garami (Bent & Straight)

Two variations of ude-garami. Read more →

Gill Hook (Ai-Yotsu)

A practical way to do ai-yotsu kosoto. Read more →

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