KL Judo   KL Judo

Kata-Gatame Escape 2

This is another way to escape from kata-gatame. Read more →

Kata-Gatame Escape 1

This is one way to escape from kata-gatame. Read more →

Wed Nite Randori (6/4/22)

Not many players but excellent randori. Read more →

Tues Nite Randori (5/4/22)

Fewer people than normal but still managed to have excellent randori. Read more →

Fri Nite Randori (1/4/22)

Enjoy the clips from our Fri Nite Randori. Read more →

Thurs Nite Randori (30/3/22)

Thurs Nite Randori. Another good one with lots of big throws. Read more →

Q&A: When is it OK to grip the lapel first with the power hand?

Cedric wants to know when it is OK to grip the lapel first with the power hand (as opposed to gripping uke's power hand sleeve first). Read more →

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Gripping Strategy for Kenka-Yotsu

This is what tori should do when faced with an opposite stance opponent. Read more →

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Wed Nite Randori (30/3/22)

Really excellent throws on Wed nite. Read more →

Tues Nite Randori (29/3/22)

Some exciting action as usual on Tues nite. Read more →

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