KL Judo   KL Judo

The 1/3 Rule

Whatever your membership numbers are, remember: Only 1/3 of that lot will come for training regularly. Read more →

3 objectives for every session

I always try to achieve 3 key things for every class I conduct. Read more →

Why we charge for trial sessions

Unlike most judo clubs, we charge for our trial sessions. Read more →

Akimoto Roll

It's a derivative of the Hara-Zutsumi and Obi-Tori-Gaeshi. Read more →

Driving Ouchi

Driving ouchi starts off like an uchimata. Read more →

Whirling Ouchi

The Whirling Ouchi, which can be done off a kenka-yotsu situation or an ai-yotsu situation, allows you to be positioned in an optimal stance for attacking uke. Read more →


Ouchi-gari is very difficult for beginners to do because it really requires a synchronized movement of all limbs, head positioning and body positioning. Read more →

Buchard Roll

The Buchard Roll is a derivative of the Japanese Roll, with a unique gripping situation on the belt. Read more →

Japanese Roll

This is an osaekomi turnover that is very popular amongst Japanese players, especially those in the female team. Read more →

The Khabarelli

This Georgian-style pick-up was recognized by the Kodokan in 2017 and is officially known as obi-tori-gaeshi. Read more →

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