KL Judo   KL Judo

Competition Training

An ongoing log of personalized training sessions conducted for our competitors.


Monday was a day for concepts. Read more →

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Drills & Randori Stage

These two have now moved on to the next stage of their development. Read more →

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Yusana & Ariana's FoT

Finally sorted out Yusana and Ariana's Family of Techniques. Next step: drills and randori. Lots of them! Read more →

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Time to narrow the focus

Time to move on to the next phase of their judo development. Read more →

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Rising aptitude

After two months of training, Yusana's aptitude has risen considerably. Read more →

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Competition Training Checklist

Drills checklist Read more →

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Sticky-Foot Kosoto

Sticky foot kosoto is the latest technique in their arsenal. Read more →

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End-Sleeve Seoi-Nage

On Thursday, we looked at two variations of the end-sleeve seoi-nage. Read more →

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Tomoe-Nage & Sumi-Gaeshi

Both Yusana and Ariana have learned tomoe-nage and sumi-gaeshi very quickly. Read more →

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Borchashvili + Matsumoto Roll

Day 2 of intensive training. Read more →

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