KL Judo   KL Judo

Competition Training

An ongoing log of personalized training sessions conducted for our competitors.


Visualization is important. Read more →

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Streamling for Competition

Keeping it simple. Read more →

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Fighting Left-Handers

Learning how to fight lefties. Read more →

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The Newaza Advantage

Newaza is working. Read more →

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Innovation during training

Innovation during drilling. Read more →

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The Compound Effect

The compound effect makes it easier to learn new things. Read more →

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Focused Training

The value of focused training. Read more →

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Breaking Habits

How to break bad technical habits. Read more →

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Training Partners

Yusana now has two female training partners. Read more →

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Off-Season Training

The training is different now that competition season is over. Read more →

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Other Resources

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