Here are a few more advanced training drills that we worked on recently:

1. Gripping Sequence 1
Uke reaches for tori's lapel with his power hand and tori has to stop it before getting his own dominant grip on uke.

2. Gripping Sequence 2
Tori posts on uke's lapel with his weak hand and uses it as a shield to block uke's power hand from getting a grip. Tori then imposes his own dominant grip.

3. Gripping Sequence 3
Uke has managed to get a grip on tori's lapel, with his power hand. Tori has to break that grip and impose his own dominant grip.

4. High Grip Drill
Tori tries to get a high, dominant grip while uke defends.

5. Alligator Roll
Good core movement drill for newaza. Also good for opening uke up for newaza.

6. Keeping Down Drill
The ability to keep uke on the ground is an essential one for newaza specialists.

7. Freeing Leg Drill
Quite often during osaekomi turnover attempts, uke ends up entangling tori's leg. Freeing the leg is both an art and a science that needs to be drilled.

8. Spatial Awareness Drill
In the heat of randori or shiai, players can sometimes lose their sense of where thye are on the mat. They need to be spatially aware at all time.

9. Golden Score Drill
In Golden Score, it is crucial that you keep up a rapid pace of attacks as the referees are quick to give penalties for non-combativity.

10. Transition to Newaza Drill
When your opponent makes a drop attack, it's important that you are able to capitalize on that and do newaza.

11. Transitional Throws Drill
When tori does a drop attack, it's possible to throw him off his knees, as long as his elbows are not on the mat.

12. Newaza (Partial Resistance)
Partial resistance means giving your opponent an opening for their newaza attack but defending once they start attacking.

13. Newaza (Full Resistance)
Full resistance means not giving any opening at all and blocking from the start.