KL Judo   KL Judo

Cross-Grip Tai-Otoshi

The cross-grip tai-otoshi offers a powerful whipping action to fling uke over. Read more →

Basic Tai-Otoshi

The standard or basic version of tai-otoshi involves a 3-step motion. Read more →

Briggs Tai-Otoshi

This is a drop Tai-Otoshi done with a Whizzer or Russian Tie grip. Read more →

Eduard Trippel's Sode

This is how Olympic silver medalist Eduard Trippel does his unique drop sode. Read more →

Mashu Baker's Seoi-Nage

This is how Mashu Baker does his unique drop seoi-nage. Read more →

3 Ways to Stop a Juji-Gatame

Here are three effective ways to stop a juji-gatame when uke rolls you. Read more →

Reverse Seoi-Nage

This is an unusual technique that originated in Korea. Read more →

4 Types of Morote-Seoi-Nage

Standing morote-seoi-nage is very hard to do in its traditional form. These are four versions that make it a little bit easier. Read more →

Strength training for judo

Should a judoka devote time to weight training? Read more →

Fist Seoi-Nage

This is a standing seoi-nage you can do when you are in a kenka-yotsu situation with uke and can only grab a hold of his lapel. Read more →

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