KL Judo   KL Judo

Competition Training

An ongoing log of personalized training sessions conducted for your competitors.

Newaza Drills Updated

Updated newaza drills Read more →

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Down with flu

Both players are sick. But we will carry on as soon as they are able to get back onto the mat. Read more →

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Newaza Sequence

Very narrow focus on newaza now. Read more →

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Building muscle memory

Need to do lots of drills to ingrain muscle memory. Read more →

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Lujayn's Training

Lujayn's training begins. Read more →

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Reverse Seoi-Nage

Learning Reverse Seoi Read more →

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The purpose of competition

The value of competition. Read more →

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Making weight is tough. Read more →

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Randori time. Read more →

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Focused Drills

Time to focus. Read more →

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Other Resources

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