KL Judo   KL Judo

Competition Training

An ongoing log of personalized training sessions conducted for your competitors.

Video demonstrations

Competition drills recorded on video. Read more →

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Getting seamless

Judo training is tiring. Read more →

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Injury again

Yusana got injured again. But she's got to get through this. Read more →

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2 types of styles

2 modes of training for 2 different sessions in a day. Read more →

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Tricks of the trade

Taught them some tricks of the trade. Read more →

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Sticking to plan

When one is learning, one should follow instructions. Read more →

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Radical move

Focus Read more →

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Wake-up call

The Penang trip was a much-needed wake-up call for Yusana. Read more →

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Full Georgian

Time to go full Georgian (for Yusana). Read more →

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Georgia On My Mind

Day 1 of the countdown. I had them do Georgian-style randori. Read more →

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Other Resources

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