KL Judo   KL Judo


Wed Nite Randori (30/3/22)

Really excellent throws on Wed nite. Read more →

Tues Nite Randori (29/3/22)

Some exciting action as usual on Tues nite. Read more →

Thurs Nite Randori (24/3/22)

Lots of exciting action as usual for our Thurs nite randori. Read more →

Best of Tues & Wed Randori

Best of Tues & Wed Randori. Read more →

Sunday Afternoon Randori

Sunday Afternoon Randori, March 20, 2022. Read more →

Thurs Nite Randori

Thurs Nite Randori. Read more →

Are you JudoFit?

Are you Judo Fit? Ready to learn your Judo ABCs? Read more →

Yellow Belt Throwing Practice

Three of our players working on yellow belt throws. A refresher for two of them and brand new to one of them! Read more →

Skipping Kouchi Practice

This is how we practice Skipping Kouchi-Gari with social distancing. Read more →

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