KL Judo   KL Judo

Technical Session

Flat Figure-4 Armlock

This is a way to do an armlock when uke flattens out. Read more →

Briggs Sankaku

This is a very effective osaekomi turnover by Karen Briggs. Read more →

Jacket Skirt Tie-Up Series

This series shows you how you can get hold-downs and chokes from a jacket skirt tie-up. Read more →

Rolling Strangles

Two rolling strangles: Kataha-Jime and British Strangle. Read more →

Orange Belt Groundwork

Orange Belt Groundwork Read more →

Orange Belt Throws

Orange Belt Throws Read more →

26 Uchimata Variations

26 different variations of uchimata. Read more →

Essential Turnovers

Two basic turnovers that every player should know. Read more →

Kataha-Jime Combo Series

Basic rolling kataha-jime can transition into other techniques. Read more →

Pivot Uchimata

A suitable technique for short players. Read more →

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