Starting July 15, contact sports will be allowed. After four months of not being able to play judo, all of us are looking forward to a return to regular judo training.

Many things will remain the same. Over the years we've built a system that works well and so we won't be altering it all that much. But there will be some tweaks made to further enhance the value we give to our members.

The biggest changes will be the introduction of circuit training and wrestling.

Circuit Training
In the past, we would sometimes do HIIT and sometimes not. But we've found that circuit training is something our players appreciate, so we will make it a regular thing. And it won't be just HIIT. We're also incorporating plyometrics and speed and agility drills. We've already invested in new equipment to facilitate all these new exercises.

On a few occasions, we've done no gi trainings designed to get our players used to close-contact fighting that is very different from the traditional style of judo which involves keeping uke away from you until it's time to attack. With wrestling, there's no judogi to grip so you have to clinch up with your opponent in order to do something. That's not what judokas are used to though in some countries, this style of fighting is very popular.

Greco-Roman Wrestling is particularly suitable for judo cross training because no leg grabs are allowed. So, it's all upper-body work. Doing Greco-Roman training on a regular basis will allow our members to become good at throws like ura-nage.

We will probably toy around with belt wrestling and sumo wrestling as well as there are some benefits to be gained from these styles of play. The bulk of it will be Greco-Roman Wrestling though because that's the one which has the most relevance to judo.

We've been uploading HD videos of judo tutorials on our website (Members' Area) and this is something we will continue to do. Our membership consists mainly of working adults.

Quite often due to work, family obligations and other things, our members have to miss a class or two during the week. With these tutorials being online, they won't have to miss out on any of the instruction.

In the past, we would post livestreams but these are not really suitable for learning purposes. The livestreams are shot from afar and the audio is not clear. Quite often people are standing in front of the camera during the instruction. So, it's really designed to give viewers a "fly on the wall" view of our classes, so they get a sense of what it's like. It's not really for instructional purposes.

The new instructional videos we are doing are HD and have superior audio due to the new Bluetooth mic we are using now. Nobody has to miss out on anything of the instruction now.