KL Judo   KL Judo

Yellow Belt Throwing Practice

Three of our players working on yellow belt throws. A refresher for two of them and brand new to one of them! Read more →

Osoto-Gari (Kenka-Yotsu)

Three osoto-gari variations done from a kenka-yotsu situation. Read more →

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KL Judo welcomes new members

We are extremely fortunate to have dedicated members and we are delighted to have new members join us recently. Read more →

The Twitch

The Twitch is an uchimata feint into kosoto-gari move that works wonders when uke is convinced the uchimata attack is real. Read more →

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New Schedule

We'll be having 6 sessions per week starting July 15. Read more →

Back to regular judo (on July 15)

With the resumption of regular judo training, we will be introducing two new programs: Circuit Training & Wrestling! Read more →

Tai-Otoshi (Ai-Yotsu & Kenka-Yotsu)

A complete tutorial on how to do tai-otoshi (square, ai-yotsu & kenka-yotsu situation covered). Read more →

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The importance of visualization

If you don't engage in visualization, you are missing out on an important part of training. Read more →

Kosoto-Gake Clips

Examples of kosoto-gake in competition (mostly hugging versions). Read more →

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Kosoto-Gari Clips

Nice collection of kosoto-gari clips from international competitions. Read more →

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Other Resources

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