KL Judo   KL Judo

Competition Training

An ongoing log of personalized training sessions conducted for our competitors.

Gripping & Jacket Skirt Tie-Up

Lots of gripping by Alex and Daniel. Yusana and Alex also learned the Jacket Skirt Tie-Up. Read more →

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Grip Fighting

Grip fighting is a crucial part of judo. Read more →

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Ai-Yotsu Osoto

How do you do osoto against righties (ai-yotsu situation)? Read more →

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Sometimes the body gets worn out. Read more →

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Newaza Defence

How to fend off a newaza attack. Read more →

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Group Training

First group competition training. Read more →

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Injury... Read more →

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Wrist Control

The wrist control series offers a strangle and an armlock opportunity. I also introduced the Twitch concept. Read more →

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A bloody nose and a change of stance

Deciding what stance and grip a player should adopt is something that should be done at the early development stage of their judo. Read more →

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The Senpai

Yusana is now a senpai and she has an additional training partner. Read more →

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Other Resources

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