To be good at judo, you have to train consistently. That takes up a lot of time and energy. Sometimes it requires some sacrifice too. So, if you want to be good at judo but find it difficult to make the commitment to train regularly, what can you do?
There are many things you can try to do to make sure you don't miss training etc but the single most effective way is to make judo part of your lifestyle. If it's a part of your life, you won't want to miss training.
I've seen people who say they want to get belt promotions miss training. I've seen people who say they want a black belt miss training. I've seen people who say they want to learn how to defend themselves miss training. I've seen people who say they want to get fit miss training. I've seen people who say they want to become a successful competitor miss training. That's because none of these things are enough motivation for them to stay committed to training.
The only people who consistently come for training are those who have decided to make judo a part of their lives. Those people won't miss training because judo is not just an activity that they do. It's part of who they are.