KL Judo   KL Judo

Ippon-Seoi Precursor: Dealing with the Stiff Arm

It's hard to do a seoi-nage when uke is stiff-arming you. Here's what you can do to deal with that. Read more →

Ippon-Seoi Precursor: The Lapel Grip

Do you go for an under-arm (inside) or over-arm (outside) lapel grip? Read more →

Best of Tues & Wed Randori

Best of Tues & Wed Randori. Read more →

Standing Ippon-Seoi-Nage Fundamentals

Everything you need to know about how to do standing Ippon-Seoi-Nage. Read more →

Techniques to use against heavyweights

Some techniques are safer than others to use against heavyweights. Read more →

Osoto-Gari (Kenka-Yotsu): Near Leg

Osoto-gari from a kenka-yotsu situation doesn't always mean attacking the far leg. You can attack the near leg too. Read more →

Osoto-Gari (Kenka-Yotsu): Far Leg

Attacking the far leg with osoto-gari in a kenka-yotsu situation. Read more →

How do you overcome the fear of getting countered?

Don't let the fear of getting countered stop you from trying your techniques. Read more →

How do you gain the confidence to do throws in randori?

How do you gain the confidence to throw in randori? Read more →

Sunday Afternoon Randori

Sunday Afternoon Randori, March 20, 2022. Read more →

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