KL Judo   KL Judo


Thurs Nite Randori (10.11.22)

Nice workout on a Thurs nite. Read more →

10 Newaza Sequences

10 seamless newaza sequences by Cedric & Jamilla. Read more →

Straight Leg Ippon-Seoi-Nage

Straight Leg Ippon-Seoi-Nage. Read more →

Sunday Randori (2.10.22)

Smaller group on Sunday but still good randori. Read more →

Friday Randori (30.9.22)

Good way to end the week. Read more →

Thurs Nite Randori (29.9.22)

Only senior players on Thurs. Good randori action. Read more →

Wed Nite Randori (28.9.22)

Good randori after a nice technical session. Read more →

Tues Randori (27.9.22)

Really good randori on Tuesday night. Read more →

Sunday Randori (25/9/22)

Good turnout, which means good randori. Read more →

Sunday Warm-Ups

Lots of fun & games on Sunday. Read more →

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