KL Judo   KL Judo


Attitude Matters

What does it mean to be a star judoka? Not just great throwing abilities, I can tell you. Read more →

An inspiring session

There's no such thing as as perfect session but this one was as close to it as you're likely to get. Read more →

Braving traffic jams

If you only want to do judo when it's convenient, then you don't really like judo all that much... Read more →

How to have a good session

There's always a way to have a good workout if you have the right mindset and attitude. Read more →

Big group, small group

Some days you have lots of people on the mat, some days, you don't. Read more →

The importance of "fun" in judo

Good judo training must be technical, tough and challenging. It also needs to be fun. Read more →

What makes judo fascinating

Judo mastery is a long and arduous process. It helps if you adopt the right mindset as you work to improve your judo. Read more →

The art & science of gripping

There is an art and a science to grip fighting. Read more →

Family Judo

Our club is primarily an adults club with the bulk of our members being working… Read more →

Strong Technical Foundation

We provide a lot of sound technical instruction for both newaza and tachi-waza. Read more →

Other Resources

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