KL Judo   KL Judo

Technical Session

Sumi-Gaeshi Series

Sumi-Gaeshi Series Read more →

7 Side Takedowns & 2 Defences

7 variations of Side Takedown and 2 ways to defend against it. Read more →

Adams juji-gatame roll

This is how you do the Neil Adams armlock. Read more →

Wrist control series

5 different wrist control techniques. Read more →

5 side takedowns

5 variations of the Side Takedown. Read more →

Jacket Skirt Tie-Up

Two osaekomi turnovers from the Jacket Skirt Tie-Up. Read more →

Osoto Feint Seoi-Nage

Using osoto as a feint to set up ippon-seoi-nage. Read more →

Ippon-Seoi-Nage Precursors

5 precursors for ippon-seoi-nage. Read more →

Standing Ippon-Seoi-Nage Masterclass

Everything you need to know about how to do standing Ippon-Seoi-Nage. Read more →

Various Sasae

Different sasae variations. Read more →

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