KL Judo   KL Judo

Judo ABC (Adult Beginners' Class)

If you're a working adult, KL Judo is the right place for you. Read more →

Judo training with distancing

Teaching judo during CMCO is a challenge but with a little creativity and innovation, it can be done successfully. Read more →

An evolving community

Nothing ever stays the same. Change will happen whether you like it or not. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Read more →

CMCO members

Will more people join us during CMCO? Read more →

Sleeve Grip Breaks

If your opponent has control of your power hand sleeve, you'll want to break it straight away so you can get a grip of his lapel. Here are four ways to do it. Read more →

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Lapel Grip Breaks

In an ai-yotsu situation (e.g. right vs right), if your opponent has a lapel grip with his power hand, you'd want to break it immediately. Here are four ways to do it. Read more →

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A complex sport

How difficult is judo? Answer: Extremely difficult. Because it's such a complex sport. Read more →

Osaekomi: Around-the-World Drill

In this drill, we have our players transition from one hold-down to another. In total, they do 9 different hold-downs. At first they start from the right and go anti-clockwise. Then they start from the left and go clockwise. Read more →

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Theory of Gripping: Kenka-Yotsu

In this video we look at the dynamics of a kenka-yotsu (opposite stance) situation and what each player has to do to gain a strategic gripping advantage. Read more →

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Theory of Gripping: Ai-Yotsu

In this video, we look at what happens in an ai-yotsu (similar stance) situation and what each player should be aiming for to get a strategic gripping advantage. Read more →

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