KL Judo   KL Judo

The way to learn judo

When I first picked up judo, there was no rough guide to judo that I… Read more →

Adjusting to the new normal

It's been three weeks since we returned to the dojo to do our stick training and circuit training. It's not the same as regular judo but it has its benefits too. Read more →

Ouchi-Gari (Ai-Yotsu & Kenka-Yotsu)

Ouchi-Gari tutorial with 2 versions for ai-yotsu and 2 versions for kenka-yotsu. Read more →

Kouchi-Gake Galore

Lots of examples of kouchi-gake from various competitions. Read more →

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Kouchi-Gari Galore

Ever wondered how kouchi-gari looks like in competition. Here are tons of examples. Read more →

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Kosoto Family of Techniques

4 types of kosoto. Read more →

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Kouchi Family of Techniques

3 types of kouch-gari Read more →

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Rebuilding a judo club

It's a tough time for every sports club but it looks like we've survived the pandemic. Read more →


In this session we cover kosoto-gari and two forms of kosoto-gake (the traditional Japanese version and the European hugging version). Read more →

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