KL Judo   KL Judo

Classical & Contest Seoi-Nages

An overview of classical and contest versions of standing seoi-nages. Read more →

Uncommon Tewaza

These four tewaza are legal but uncommon. They are almost never seen in competition. Read more →

Popular Newaza

These are six popular tewaza, commonly seen in competition. Read more →

Banned Tewaza

These six tewaza (hand techniques) are illegal as they involve leg grabs. Read more →

Bridging the gap between nagekomi and randori

How do you make your techniques work in randori? Read more →


Waki-Gatame is normally thought of as an illegal technique, and the version often seen in competition is indeed illegal. But here are two legal versions. Read more →


Hiza-Gatame is an armlock that can be done from the guard position. Read more →


Two forms of ude-garami. Read more →

Ashi-Gatame I & II

Two ways to get an armlock with the legs. Read more →

Rapid Fire Revision

Instead of teaching Ariane yet another new technique, I got her to revise all the major practical techniques she's learned since she first started judo six weeks ago. Read more →

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