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Wrong-Sided Sumi-Gaeshi

This is what you do when uke pulls strongly in the opposite direction. Read more →

4 Ways to get a Sumi-Gaeshi Grip

Here are 4 ways you can secure a 2-on-1 sumi-gaeshi grip. Read more →


Hikikomi-Gaeshi is ideal when both players are in an ai-yotsu situation where Sumi-Gaeshi would be hard to do due to the awkward body positioning of ai-yotsu. Read more →

2-on-1 Sumi-Gaeshi

The 2-on-1 version of sumi-gaeshi is quite popular in competition because it allows tori to have complete control over one side of uke's body. This makes it hard for him to stop the throw. Read more →

2-on-2 Sumi-Gaeshi

The 2-on-2 version of sumi-gaeshi is a very common one. It often involves a high grip. Read more →

Ungvari Roll & Choke

Here's how you do the Ungvari Roll into osaekomi and into a choke. Read more →

Sankaku with the Arms

Two types of sankaku that you can do with your arms. Read more →

Ashi-Gatame & Huizinga Roll

This is how you do ashi-gatame and the Huizinga Roll. Read more →

Armlocks from Sankaku

Two armlock submissions from the same sankaku position. Read more →

Briggs Sankaku

Here's how you can get a hold-down from a sankaku. Read more →

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