KL Judo   KL Judo

Dojo best practices

These are best practices we've learned the hard way, over the years. Read more →

Reverse Seoi-Nage

Reverse Seoi-Nage is back in the spotlight as the IJF has unbanned it. Read more →

Five days left

It's five days til competition. The challenge for Yusana is that she'… Read more →

All-In Attitude

What does it mean to be all-in? Read more →

Narrowing it down further

As we head towards training and competition in Thailand, I have decided to narrow down… Read more →

Wilayah wins historic first Sukma judo gold

We finally got our first gold medal. Read more →

Jacket Skirt Seoi-Nage

Inspired by Grigalashvili. Read more →

No Gi Randori

No gi randori. Read more →

Running Kosoto

A new spin on a well-worn classic technique (or techniques). Read more →

From Uchikomi to Randori

The way to get techniques to work in randori and shiai. Read more →

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