KL Judo   KL Judo

Technical Session


Uchimata-sukashi is a pure tewaza. Not much strength is needed to effect this technique. But timing is crucial. Read more →

Throws against High Grippers

Throws that can be done against an opponent who likes to impose a high grip (left and right). Read more →

Counter Attacks in Newaza

Various ways to counter newaza attacks. Read more →

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Positional Newaza: Front of Turtle

Here are 19 techniques tori can do when tori is facing uke, who is in a turtle position, head-to-head. Read more →

Positional Newaza: Side of Turtle

24 techniques tori can do when tori is by the side of uke, who is in a turtle position. Read more →

Positional Newaza: Riding Turtle

Here are 18 techniques that can be done when tori is riding on top of uke, who is in a turtle position. Read more →

Inez's Quadrant Throws (17)

Inez's family of throws. Read more →

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Jamilla's Positional Newaza (11)

Jamilla's newaza from different positions. Read more →

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Jamilla's Quadrant Throws (18)

Jamilla's family of throws. Read more →

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Afiq's Positional Newaza (11)

Afiq's newaza from different positions. Read more →

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