KL Judo   KL Judo

2-on-2 Sumi-Gaeshi

The 2-on-2 version of sumi-gaeshi is a very common one. It often involves a high grip. Read more →

Ungvari Roll & Choke

Here's how you do the Ungvari Roll into osaekomi and into a choke. Read more →

Sankaku with the Arms

Two types of sankaku that you can do with your arms. Read more →

Ashi-Gatame & Huizinga Roll

This is how you do ashi-gatame and the Huizinga Roll. Read more →

Armlocks from Sankaku

Two armlock submissions from the same sankaku position. Read more →

Briggs Sankaku

Here's how you can get a hold-down from a sankaku. Read more →

X'mas Session Details

This is what we have planned for this year's X'mas session. Read more →

8 Throws from Tokyo GS

On Wed nite, we worked on 8 dynamic throws from the 2022 Tokyo Grand Slam. Read more →

Double-Sleeve Sode

Sode-tsurikomi-goshi is often done as a double sleeve technique as it allows for more space to turn in. Read more →

Japanese/Sushi Roll

This is a typical turnover favored by the Japanese. Also featured are innovations by Sugoi and Buchard. Read more →

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