KL Judo   KL Judo

Kouchi-Gake Session

Kouchi-Gake (ai-yotsu situation) practice done with a stick and crashpad. Read more →

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Kouchi-Gari Session

This is how we worked on kouchi-gari (kenka-yotsu situation) during RMCO, using a stick as a prop to assist in visualization. Read more →

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Training under RMCO

Training under RMCO is not the same thing and real judo training but we will try to make the sessions productive, intense and enjoyable! Read more →

Skipping Kouchi Practice

This is how we practice Skipping Kouchi-Gari with social distancing. Read more →


Kouchi-makikomi is another option for kenka-yotsu situations. Read more →

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Kouchi-gake is used in an ai-yotsu situation. Read more →

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Skipping Kouchi-Gari

Skipping kouchi-gari is used in a kenka-yotsu situation. Read more →

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11-Week Technical Development Program

Here's our 11-week program for the duration of the RMCO, which will last through August 31, 2020. Read more →

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Judo Concepts, Lesson 23: How to analyze a video clip

In order to benefit from video analysis, you have to learn how to "break down" a throw. That is, disassemble it to its various constituent pieces. If you pay careful attention, there are tons of information to be gleaned from watching a famous player do his moves. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 22: The secret value of shiai

Shiai refers to competition. Since there are very few formal competitions in Malaysia, we decided to start having our own shiai every month. Read more →

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