KL Judo   KL Judo

Judo Concepts, Lesson 14: Fighting Taller People

How to think about fighting taller opponents in competition. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 13: Dealing with the Stiff Arm

One of the things beginners have most difficulty with is the "stiff arm". Here's how to deal with it. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 12: Is a Cool-Down Necessary?

Why cooling down isn't necessary ... according to the latest sports science! Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 10: Uchikomi – Useful or Not?

Why uchikomi isn't as useful as you might think. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 9: Cross Training

How to think about cross training in other grappling sports. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 8: Is Kuzushi Relevant?

Is kuzushi is necessary in order to throw an opponent? You would think the answer would be an obvious yes, but this question requires a more nuanced answer. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 7: Strength vs Technique

How important is weight training to judo? Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 6: Four Basic Rules of Gripping

While breaking the grip is part of grip-fighting, it's actually a means to an end, which is to get a strong, dominant grip on your opponent. Read more →

Judo Concepts, Lesson 5: When Uke Refuses to Grip

What can you do when you meet an opponent who has simply decided that his game plan is to spoil the fight and refuse to come to grips with you? Read more →

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