Conceptual knowledge necessary for effective Judo.
Is kuzushi is necessary in order to throw an opponent? You would think the answer would be an obvious yes, but this question requires a more nuanced answer. Read more →
How important is weight training to judo? Read more →
While breaking the grip is part of grip-fighting, it's actually a means to an end, which is to get a strong, dominant grip on your opponent. Read more →
What can you do when you meet an opponent who has simply decided that his game plan is to spoil the fight and refuse to come to grips with you? Read more →
Should players always train to both the right and left? Read more →
This is what you should do in a kenka-yotsu situation (right vs left or left vs right). Read more →
This is how you should deal with a dominant same-sided player. Read more →
In judo, there are two basic stances: Ai-Yotsu (same stance) and Kenka-Yotsu (opposite stance). Ai-Yotsu could refer to Right vs Right or Left vs Left, while Kenka-Yotsu would refer to either Right vs Left or Left vs Right. Read more →